O gauge 7mm 1/43 Eras 4 & 5 1948 - 1966
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Rusted Enamel Signs Pack 1
A5 Pack £3.75

Rusted Enamel Signs Pack 2
A5 Pack £3.75
Old enamel signs that once were once a common sight advertising a range of period products. Many remained in postion for many years with many surviving until the 1950s/60s. These have all been produced from original photographs taken at various locations.

Combination Saver
On-line exclusive - Buy two packs together and save over 5%.
Enamel Signs
Combination Pack
Comb RES7 £7.00

Street Name Signs
Size: A6 pack
This pack contains street and road name signage covering the most popular street names in the UK. Pack also includes hydrant signs.

Manholes & Drains
A5 Pack £3.25
A selection of manhole and drain covers including sewer, water, TV and Telecommunication junction boxes.

Garage Signs
A5 Pack £3.75
Give your model garage the authentic look with a selection of signs that were common from the 1950s until the early 1970s. Includes interior notice boards and signs as well as a wide range of forecourt signage.

Colliery / Coal Mine Packs

Old Road Signs
A5 Pack £3.75
A wide selection of signage that was in use until the introduction of the current signage.Pack comes with instructions. Signs are reproduced from original artwork.

Public House Signs
A4 Pack £4.25
Typical of many to be found throughout the UK. Appropriate for period and modern layouts / dioramas. Includes a wide range of signage to give your model pub authenticity.

Colliery / Coal Mine signage 1947 - late 60s
MINE7 47/67
A5 Pack £4.95

This pack will prove to be a useful addition to modellers wishing to add a little bit more authenticity and realism to coal mines their layouts.
The signage is authentic with original artwork having been developed from photographs and documents. The pack includes some weathered signs that would have been around for decades as well as those that show nationalisation ownership.
National Coal Board 1947-67: Coal mines were nationalised by the Labour government in January 1947 and came into public ownership. The signage in this particular pack reflects the change in ownership and also has lots of signage that would be around for years before and after this time.
Also available as customised packs - see Bespoke Page for details
Take a look in the other 7mm sections for other items that might be of use. Rolling Stock section includes Railway Van Posters and Carriage Prints.